Year 2008, Volume-6, Issue-2 (Apr-Jun)
Frequency: Quartery
Sr. No |
Original Articles |
Abstract |
Page No |
1 |
Determination of sex by measurement of area of mastoid triangle in human skull
RP Singh, SK Verma, AK Tyagi |
2 |
Mesio-distal diameter of mandibular canine as a sex and intercanine distance as the age determinant
B Rai, SK Dhattarwal, SC Anand, DN Bhardwaj
Review Article |
3 |
Exhumation: Plugging of pitfalls
A Kumar
Case Report |
4 |
Death by accidental bolus impaction of the larynx: A case report
C Behera, R Rautji, M Sunay, TD Dogra
Journal Scans |
5 |
Two fatalities by hydrogen sulfide poisoning: Variation of pathological and toxicological findings
Ago Mihoko, Ago Kazutoshi, Ogata Mamoru |
6 |
Differences in postmortem urea nitrogen, creatinine and uric acid levels between blood and pericardial fluid in acute death
Zhu Bao-Li, Ishikawa Takaki, Michiue Tomomi, Tanaka Sayaka, Zhao Dong, Li Dong-Ri, Quan Li, Oritani Shigeki, Maeda Hitoshi |
7 |
Univariate sex dimorphism in the Nepalese dentition and the use of discriminant functions in gender assessment
Ashith B. Acharya, Sneedha Mainali |
8 |
Patella sex determination by 3D statistical shape models and nonlinear classifiers
Mohamed Mahfouz, Ahmed Badawi, Brandon Merkl, Emam E. Abdel Fatah, Emily Pritchard, Katherine Kesler, Megan Moore, Richard Jantz, Lee Jantz |
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Indian Internet Journal OF Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Publisher: Indian Congress of Forensic Medicine And Toxicology
Print ISSN: 0973-1970
Online ISSN: 0974-4487
Number of issues per year: 2
Frequency: Half yearly (Quaterly till 2022) Review Process: Double Blind Peer Review, Refereed Journal
Month(s) of publication: Jan to Jun, Jul to Dec |