Year 2007, Volume-5, Issue-1 (Jan-Mar)
Frequency: Quartery
Sr. No |
Abstract |
Page No |
1 |
Facilities for medico legal autopsy in India – awareness among doctors and infrastructure available
Dr. K H Manjula Bai, N Madaan, M Kumath, S Lalwani |
2 |
Firearm injures in culpable homicides
S Mittal, S Garg, MS Mittal, A Chanana, H Rai |
Brief Communication |
3 |
Palatal rugae: In forensic examination
B Rai, SC Anand |
Review Article |
4 |
Child abuse & neglect: An overview
VP Singh, G Biswas, JJ Sharma |
Case Report |
5 |
There is no small enemy: A peripheral single penetrating wound by scissors with death results
Negre C Carmen, A Castelló, FA Verdú |
Journal Scans |
6 |
Radiographic evaluation of third molar development in relation to chronological age among Turkish children and youth
K Orhan, L Ozer, AI Orhan, Sand Dogan, CS Paksoy
7 |
The value of examination aids in victim identification: a retrospective study of an airplane crash in Nepal in 2002
R Bux, D Heidemann, M Enders, H Bratzke |
8 |
Agricultural and horticultural pesticides fatal poisoning; The Jordanian experience 1999–2002
EM Abdullat, MS Hadidi, N Alhadidi, TS AL-Nsour, KA Hadidi |
9 |
Undiagnos Victims of sexual offences: Medicolegal examinations in emergency settings
JC Santos, A Neves, M Rodrigues, P Ferrão |
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Indian Internet Journal OF Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Publisher: Indian Congress of Forensic Medicine And Toxicology
Print ISSN: 0973-1970
Online ISSN: 0974-4487
Number of issues per year: 2
Frequency: Half yearly (Quaterly till 2022) Review Process: Double Blind Peer Review, Refereed Journal
Month(s) of publication: Jan to Jun, Jul to Dec |