Year 2005, Volume-03, Issue-4 (Oct-Dec)
Frequency: Quartery
Sr. No |
Original Articles |
Abstract |
Page No |
1 |
Sternomastoid rupture an index of antemortem hanging - An autopsy study of hundred cases
S Sivasuthan, S Girish, PK Babu, Padma Kumar, L John, AK Unmesh, R Raveendran, NA Balram
Review Article |
2 |
Preservation of medical records - An essential part of health care delivery
Dr Sanju Singh, Dr U.S. Sinha, Mr N. K. Sharma
3 |
International human rights law and the debate on
euthanasia – A Viewpoint
BR Sharma
Case Report |
4 |
Compensation for rape - A case report
M Husain, SA Arif Hanif, JA Usmani, SJ Rizvi
Journal Scans |
5 |
Clinical Ethics: Implant Ethics
SO Hansson |
6 |
HIV Testing and Informed Consent
L Frith |
7 |
Risk factors and Protective Factors in relation to
subjective health among Adult Female victims of
Child Sexual abuse
E Jonzon, F Lindlad |
Comparison of Ethanol Concentrations in right cardiac blood and peripheral blood in a series of 30 cases
AL Pelister-Alicot, N Coste, C Bartoli, MD Piercecchi-Marti, A Sanvoisin, J Gouvernet, G Leonetti |
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Indian Internet Journal OF Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Publisher: Indian Congress of Forensic Medicine And Toxicology
Print ISSN: 0973-1970
Online ISSN: 0974-4487
Number of issues per year: 2
Frequency: Half yearly (Quaterly till 2022) Review Process: Double Blind Peer Review, Refereed Journal
Month(s) of publication: Jan to Jun, Jul to Dec |