The Indian Congress of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology (ICFMT) is a scientific and academic body of forensic medicine experts, toxicologists, forensic scientists and other experts primarily working in the field of forensic medicine, toxicology, forensic pathology, forensic science, criminology, forensic psychiatry and other allied subjects. The congress was established with the aim to promote, disseminate, interact and propagate different scientific and academic programs with in the country and even abroad. The society also promotes activities such as publication of journal, books, newsletter, public lectures, CME's and holds an annual conference. The congress honor persons of repute in the fields mentioned above by conferring honorary fellowships.

Professor S.K Verma,

President, ICFMT (2022-25)
Director Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
University College of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Dilshad gardens, New Delhi-110095





"ICFMT is going to organise 20th National Conference "Right to Health in Current Indian Perspective" on Nov 25th and 26th, 2023 at UCMS And GTB Hospital, New Delhi. Please Download the brochure and Online link".

ICFMT Conference Brochure, Register Here for workshop,



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Last Updated Sep 22, 2023 at 13:46 PM IST